Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Spring Break!!!

Whoop! I am so excited about spring break! I am tired of smelling burnt rubber and mulch in my nose. The smells never leave my nose. I brought a camera to school to take pictures and document the construction. I am not doing anything during the break. So, it will be nice.

This is a shout out to Robin "I love you and miss you! How are you doing in DC?"


Robin said...

This is Robin shouting back!

Wow - I have my own label on your blog. Things are good up here, and I'm, just waiting for spring now. I should be back in Houston in April or May for an extended visit, so maybe we can get together then. I hope you enjoy your spring break.

Oh - the pictures on my blog are fixed now.

Robin said...

One more thing - would you mind taking my last name off your "Friends" list? THANKS!