Sunday, July 30, 2006

In the Beginning

School starts for me tomorrow! I have band camp at 7:00 am! That is earlier than the start of school! I have been up to the high school and it is a disaster. Be grateful if you get the new campus, AHS. When the battle was raging last year if the seniors should get the option to attend or not, I was satisfied that HHS would not be that bad. Now I am convinced that nothing can be worse. I do not know how I am going to get from class to class in seven minutes. I went to check in and I had to walk over exposed pipes and wood planks for walkways. Our band hall has rats living in it and things are literally rotting out. It makes me really sad. Someone said that we are special because no one will have the memory of their high school under construction. Who wants that memory?

Anyway, I apologize about the complaints. I know that God has a plan for all of this mess, but that does not raise my school spirit any higher. It will be very frustrating with my brother at AHS with several of my favorite teachers on campus. (Yes, Kathy, that includes you.)

Phil 4:11


Jenny said...

Dear Self,

(inner self listening)

You should try to go to bed at reasonible hours. (inner self knodding)

-outer self

thelittlefields said...

I can't imagine having rats....isn't that against some health code or school code??? If it makes you feel any better I was at AHS today for new teacher stuff, and the classrooms make me feel closterphobic (sp?). I don't know if the newness is worth it. --Dirk